Altar Servers
Each year a group of boys and girls (of Fifth and Sixth Class age) volunteer to be Altar Servers. Sometimes the young people get involved as part of their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. The commitment is usually for one year but the young people are welcome to stay on for longer.
When the young people volunteer they are then met by Fr John Collins, Philip the Sacristan and two Child Safeguarding representatives, Darina Callanan and Trona Fitzgerald. We go through what is involved in being an Altar Server. Each new group draws up their own Code Of Conduct.
People often ask how often will their turn come around. This depends on how many volunteers are involved in each group. We try to facilitate the Altar Servers and their families as to whether they want to attend Mass on Saturday or Sunday. The Altar Servers work in pairs. Currently peoples rota comes round once every two or three weeks. They each have each other’s numbers and are free to swap with each other if they cannot attend on an appointed date/time.
The young people are very enthusiastic and committed to their work. Fr John, Philip and the parishioners are very grateful for their involvement in the Mass