
Church Regulations During Covid-19 Level 3
1: Ballinora Church can only accommodate 50 people in all, socially distanced by 2 metres.
2: Families may sit together in one seat.
3: Stewards will be in place for weekend Masses.
4: Those who can attend a weekday Mass instead of a weekend one, are encouraged to do so please, in order to make room for those who work and who can only attend at weekends or for those attending anniversary Masses etc.
5: It may be necessary to put a ‘Church Full’ notice occasionally outside the doors. Please do not come in if you see this notice.
6: Masks must be worn.
7: People are asked to enter by the main door and exit by the side door
8: Communion will be distributed by a one-way system at the end of Mass.
Church Regulations During Covid-19 Current Level 5
All Masses for the foreseeable future will be online only at churchservices.tv/ballinora. No congregation is allowed to attend.
St James’ Church Ballinora will be open for private prayer 11am-5pm each day. Please sanitise hands, wear masks if others are present, keep social distance, and use wipes to sanitise seats after use.
Mass Times
Daily Mass: (From Monday January 11th)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at 7pm (all livestreamed and recorded)
Weekend Mass: Livestreamed at 7pm Saturday evening.
Mass intentions, anniversaries etc can be booked for weekdays and for one weekend Mass. Please contact Fr Declan
Weddings: For the coming months, an attendance of six persons only.
Baptisms: Postponed indefinitely
Funerals: Only up to ten mourners are allowed to attend
Care of the Sick and Housebound
A priest is not permitted to make First Friday calls to the sick and housebound for the immediate future. A carer or family member of a sick or elderly person, can by prior arrangement with Fr. Declan, be delegated to take Communion to that person on an occasional basis. Please do not hesitate to ask.
Fr Declan will, with appropriate PPE, call to any person in serious illness, or danger of death, to administer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Please do not hesitate to ask.
Please let Fr Declan know of anyone who would welcome a phonecall with a blessing or prayer, or chat. Contact and support are a necessity in these difficult times.

COVID-19 Support Line for Older People
ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am - 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.
Mass Times Level 3
Monday: 7pm followed by Holy Hour
Tuesday: 9am
Wednesday: 9.10am
Friday: 7pm
Saturday: 7pm
Sunday: 10am
All Masses will be open to public (max 50 people) and also livestreamed below